Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Induction Day is set!

Well today I went to my last doctor's appointment and we set next Thursday for me to be induced! I was only at a three and 50% effaced which was really disappointing. I thought for sure that I would have progressed further but oh well, he is coming Thursday, and I can hardly wait. I am grateful that I am able to get pregnant and have children but there are so many things about this pregnancy that I will not miss such as....
-Having my knees hit my belly as I walk up the stairs
-Being able to lay only on my left side so that I don't get sick
-Having a constant pain right under my right breast that goes through to my back
-Sighing throughout my classes and having my teachers think I am bored when really it is because I can't breathe
-Being able to turn in bed without a lot of effort
-Having my boobs rest on my belly (when I am not pregnant and have been breast feeding for a while, my boobs pretty much disappear...just ask Ryan)
-the burn in my pubic bone as I try and walk
-Having people tell me how cute I look....come on, I know the real truth I see myself everyday and it is not cute
-Being congested and breathing really loud....I am giving Ryan a run for his money in that department
I will however miss feeling him move inside of me, that is my favorite part of being pregnant.
So next Thursday is the day unless by some miracle he decides to come early but I am not counting on it.


Breck said...

You should really post a picture of yourself. People that say it is the best nine months are crazy if you ask me!

R.A.A.H. said...

I'm so glad that I'm not pregnant anymore. Although according to Addie sometimes I have a baby in my tummy. I know as soon as you have Asher you will look great once again and I will still have a poochie belly. Oh well, we can't all be blessed with flat tummies like you. At least my boobs are bigger than yours are. (Oh burn!)