Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Two Down, One to Go....

Tonight I finished up with my second research paper and it isn't even due until Monday! I am so excited for this semester to be over that I am trying to finish up my last research paper that is due next Tuesday by tomorrow. So far I have finished a paper on the "Cuban Missile Crisis" totaling 12 pages and requiring a minimum of 6 primary sources. I also finished a 15 page paper on "The Black Sox Scandal of 1919" with 21 primary sources. Tomorrow I hope to finish my Vietnam paper on the "Battle of Ong Thanh" that as of right now encompass' 7 pages with probably 7 more to go. This semester each of my papers was a "primary source" paper and let me tell you those suck to write especially where I am an under grad and I am not going to fly to some of these cities to dig through their archives. I mean come on, most don't do that until grad school. So anyway, you have to work with what you can acquire on campus or through the net and I think Ryan will be excited to not see me sitting at the kitchen counter for hours on end. Halfway through the semester I realized that I work much better when I don't sit in front of the T.V. (crazy I know) so when I get home from school at about 1:30 I plop myself down in the kitchen and work through dinner (thanks again hon for making dinner every night) until I either get sick of it (around 10:30 - 11:00) or like last night, determined to finish I stayed up until 1:30. Hopefully tomorrow I will have finished my Vietnam paper and then I have 4 finals to take next week. Two weeks from today I don't think I will be able to wipe the smile from my face because I will be done with the semester and have three lovely homework free weeks until the next one.


Renee said...

Your amazing...I honestly don't know how you do it with two little ones! I hope that semester ends well and you can move on to enjoy the final weeks of your pregnancy!

--m.k.r. said...

That is great, I hope you do finish that paper today. Good Luck.

R.A.A.H. said...

I'm exhausted just reading about all the papers you had to write. Well, at least you're a good writer and thank goodness the semester is almost over.

Anonymous said...

Wow you are so busy! How do you do it? I hope you don't mind I copied your saying things on the side of your blog. Your girls crack me up!