Monday, November 3, 2008


Halloween was a lot of fun this year with even Ryan and I participating. After I got home from school, we headed up to Ryan's work to go trick-or-treating. The kids don't even need to go out at night with as much candy as they get at Ryan's office. Ryan's costume was a big hit, we bought extensions and glued them on his head to create his comb-over. Everyone was wondering where he got the "fake" chest hair to go along with it. No ladies it is real, I know I am a lucky woman. Halloween night, my family always comes over for homemade Enchiladas and Ryan and the grandparents take the kids trick-or-treating. I might go next year since thankfully I won't be pregnant. It was a good night, and the kids had a lot of fun as did the adults.

Addie was Darth Vader (I was so proud) and Sadie was a Witch

Sadie fell asleep on the way home from trick-or-treating at Ryan's work.
She was such a mess and had been eating her candy right up until she fell asleep.

She tried to clean herself up with a wipe but couldn't stay awake.

Amber was a Kitty, Alek was an Owl, Addie, Sadie, I was a witch and Ryan was a used car salesman...comb-over and everything.

Ryan and I, we never dress up but it was fun this year.

Ryan in the process of taking off his "comb-over" decided to make himslelf a beard

Isn't my husband SEXY!


Camp Chris said...

Ha ha ha ha....we're dying!!! That is so sweet!!!! Love the comb-over!!!! friends are so cool.

Brittney said...

We love it! We have been very anxious to see photos, and you did not disappoint! Great comb over!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet. Love how dirty Sadie was and how all that sugar made her fall asleep. Um, sexy might not be the word I would use to describe all his chest hair. But if that works for you....brown chicken brown cow. he he!!!

Mike and Brianna said...

The comb over was GOLD!!! Thanks for having us over :) It was delicious as always :)

R.A.A.H. said...

Desi I'm so jealous of how HOT Ryan looks in that last picture. I know that you were thinking GRRR Baby GRRR!

Brandi Newton said...

I LOVE THIS PICTURE! I was totally laughing out loud even with the kids asking 'why are you laughing'. You are a lucky girl, Des! Brandi