Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Utes Home Opener!

Saturday was the Utes home opener against UNLV. Addie and Sadie love to go to the games even though they don't watch a lot of it. They spend most of their time climbing the stairs and playing on the railing as well as going between our row and my in-laws row (Thanks Brit for helping with Sadie's bathroom issues). It was a great game, well the second half anyway once the Utes pulled their heads out and decided to actually play the way they should. They came out on top so we all went home happy! Hoping this will be a great season....GO UTES!

Addie and Sadie after the game....they were so tired and Sadie is actually asleep in these pics. She always has to wear a pair of my sunglasses while in the car whether she needs them or not.


Brittney said...

Cute pictures, I love that one of Addie! I have some cute ones of Sadie doing the wave, I will have to email them to you. Whenever Brent is out of town, Oaklee sleeps with me too, maybe it is a Sedgwick tradition!

Camp Chris said...

What...not in the endzone anymore? Looks like you've changed seats!!! Oh...and you're all so cute!