Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stinky Cougars and an Icee

I took the girls to get and Icee and while we were paying, this was Addie's conversation with the clerk
Addie: Are you a Ute?
Clerk: What?
Addie: Are you a Ute?
Clerk looks at me for an explanation to which I ask him if he is a UofU fan.
Clerk: Oh as a matter of fact I am.
Addie: My boyfriend Mikey, he's a stinky Cougar.
The clerk starts laughing to which I replied: We teach them the important things in life.

It was one of the funniest conversations that I have heard her have with some random person. I don't know what possessed her to ask him if he was a Ute, he wasn't wearing red or anything.


Camp Chris said...

So Funny!!! We miss you all so much....

R.A.A.H. said...

Addie really doesn't like those stinky cougars. She always plugs her nose in the car when she sees the Y on the mountain. She's such a character.

Salty Gal said...

what a funny kid :)

Melissa said...

I loved this story...especially since I'm a stinky cougar! I golfed with Mark, Wayne and Shane and it was pretty hilarious, but they were great about it. Hopefully next year I can convince them to find a salesman to play with them!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan! I was searching for old friends on blogger and I found you! Your family is so cute! I knew that you were doing well because I still stay in touch with Cheree and she said you guys got together a little while ago. I'm glad to see that your girls know which team to cheer for-we are Utes fans as well! Tell your family I said hi & I will keep checking your blog to see how you are doing!