Sunday, December 5, 2010

The dilemma of a name...

So for the first three kids, we had no problem picking out a name, even a middle name was easy. For this last little boy however, we are struggling a bit. We have a couple that we like but for some reason Ryan thinks we need to see what he looks like until we choose one. This is driving me CRAZY!!! I am not a patient person and I like to have everything done months in advance (including the name) before the baby comes. It is already hard enough to wait until after the holidays to paint and decorate his room (since Ryan will be on a break from school) and I have to say, I am doing pretty well waiting for that. We have decided that his middle name will be Dieter (we think Uchtdorf is pretty awesome) but the first name is still undecided. I am pretty sure Ryan is doing this to me just because he knows how crazy it makes me. I really like Easton (as does Ryan) and we both like Ethan, however that one is becoming a bit more popular. So for those of you out there who took the time to read this I am up for any and all suggestions on a name.


Julie Kaye said...

Love Ethan and Easton......but like Easton WAYYYYY more!

Anonymous said...

I really like both. Really like Easton the best. But I will wait to give my suggestions until after tomorrow, to make sure I don't want the name, once we find out if it is a boy or a girl!!!

Ty and Tiff said...

I have always wanted to name a little boy Ethan...but you are right it is becoming very popular. What about Evan? James? Zach?

Amy said...

Hmmm...the name dilemma!! I really love both Ethan and Easton. I think Easton fits cute with your other cute kids and their cute names!! I like Easton Deiter better. But hmmm...I'll have to think about it and give some suggestions! :)

I do like Evan...that's my brother's name.

Becca said...

How about Jeril? Ha ha ha! Caleb felt the same way about having to see the baby first, but I went ahead and made little plaques that said "J" "A" "N" "E" to hang up in her room months before she was born. He didn't like it, but I just told him we could still wait to see what she looked like before we picked a name, as long as it was Jean, Jan, Jen, Anje, or any other combination of those letters.

Shay said...

Cute names. My nephew's name is Ethan. The only name I can suggest is Dallin, that is the other name we were considering for Cade. Good luck. You guys always choose cute names.

Dawn said...

What a neat Idea to name him after one of the first Presidency. I do like Easton better, but only because of kid I new. They are both fun names. Good luck :)

R.A.A.H. said...

You should be creative with this baby's name and maybe use a combination of both of your names. What about Rysi or Desan? You can always name him Asher jr. once you see him. I know you'll thank me later for these awesome suggestions.