Monday, May 16, 2011

Just like Daddy

Asher came up to me today with a pencil. I asked if he wanted to color and he told me no and then pointed to his ear. I realized he wanted to put the pencil behind his ear like his dad always does, it is amazing what these kids notice. His ear was a little to small to hold the pencil so I put some tape on it and voila! Pencil behind the ear. He wore it around for a bit with a huge smile on his face.

Friday, May 13, 2011


May 12, 2011 marked Ryan and mine's eleventh anniversary! Ryan worked since he just returned from D.C. the day before and I spent the day at gymnastics, the doctor for Addie and the dentist for Sadie. We dined on tuna fish sandwiches at around 9 o'clock and both fell asleep watching Monday's episode of Mike and Molly. Yes, it was an awesome anniversary! We are going out Saturday for dinner, possibly a movie and games with friends.

Just want to let Ryan know that I love him so much! He is a wonderful husband and a fantastic dad! I love that when he comes home from work, all the kids run to him, they want to sit on his lap or play with him and just talk, talk, talk. Asher especially is becoming a Daddy's boy and I know Ryan is absolutely loving it.

Thanks for putting up with me the last eleven years, and I look forward to many, many, more!

Love you babe!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Easton's Sleeping Habits

So, the only way I can keep Easton in his bed is if he is sleeping in a boppy. My sister has this "boppy lounger" which is basically a boppy with a cover that covers the entire boppy so there isn't a "hole". I just hope I can transition him because soon he will be too big to sleep in the boppy. Oh and the patch on the boppy lounger that says "do not let baby sleep in lounger" is just a suggestion....right?

Bike Ride

After the Lemonade stand, we took the kids on a bike ride. We had Ryan pulling Asher in the trailer, both girls on their bikes and Easton in the baby Bjorn with me on my bike. We ended up riding to Grandma Bushman's so the kids could wish her a happy mother's day and play at her house. The girls did awesome! Sadie was who we were worried about but she didn't complain once and the end result was a 7.5 mile round trip bike ride! Asher was asleep in the trailer about 5 minutes into the return trip. Now that we know they can do it, we will probably make this a more frequent thing. It will be nice when Easton is big enough to ride in the trailer with his brother, until then he will be stuck with me.

Pumping up my tire....notice where he is checking to see if it is "full"

He was so tired!

The First of Many....

Check Spelling I finally let the girls have a lemonade stand Saturday. They were open for around 45 minutes, charged .25 cents a cup and earned $6.50. I think people were coming to buy just so that Addie would quit yelling/screaming "Lemonade....25 cents!"
I'm sure they will be out there as many Saturdays as I will let them.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easton @ 2 Months

Easton turned 2 months on Sunday. He was also blessed that day. Ryan gave a beautiful blessing and the whole time Ryan was giving the blessing, Easton was looking at his dad and talking to him. It was awesome, we all could hear it in the microphone.

Friday I took him in for his two month appt. and his shots. He did alright with his shots, he didn't like them but stopped crying right after I picked him up. He slept for most of the day which was nice.

Here are his stats:

Weight 11.18 40th percentile

Height 22.5 31st percentile

Head circumference 15 11th percentile

He is turning out to be our smallest kid yet. Both girls were 12 lbs at two months and Asher was a whopping 13.8. He was my biggest baby but may end up being our smallest kid.

Blessing outfit


My mom has an Easter party every year for the grand kids. They color eggs, go on an egg hunt and eat whatever they want. This year my mom threw in a treasure hunt and made each of the grand kids (8) a basket. The kids had an absolute ball! My mom is an awesome grandma and everything she does is for her grand kids and they all LOVE her! After the egg hunt and the finding of the baskets, the Easter Bunny didn't even need to come to the house. We all had a great time! Thanks Mom and Dad! You guys are great!

The grand kids waiting to go on the egg hunt. When we said "go" Sadie literally threw Vance off her lap, he went face first onto the sidewalk and Sadie never looked back. Vance was okay and Sadie got the most eggs.

Easton and his basket

Asher with some of his "loot"

Addie with her "Build-A-Bear" bunny in its bikini

Sadie with her "Tangled" Doll