The day finally arrived and Addison was finally able to go to kindergarten. She has been looking forward to this day since probably January. Last night with the help of magic confetti provided by her teacher, she actually fell right asleep. This is very rare for Addison since she has such a hard time settling down to sleep. We woke her up at 7:30 so she could eat breakfast and not be rushed. She was a little nervous as she was eating her breakfast but as soon as she was ready, it was all gone. She was ready about 30 minutes before it was time to leave so it was a very long 30 minutes. Finally it was time to leave and she was about half a block ahead of Ryan and I. We kept telling her to slow down and wait for us but she was just SO excited. When we got to school, she was able to play at the kindergarten playground until it was time to line up to go to class. One of her best friends is in her class and they stood in line together, Makayla in front of Addie with Addie's hands resting on Makayla's shoulders (Makayla is about 3 inches shorter than Addie). I didn't cry and I wasn't sad to see her go, I was so excited for her. My mom was SO worried that some kid was going to be mean to her. I reminded her that it was Addie and she can definitely hold her own. When I went back to pick her up, she was all smiles. She had such a good time in school and the first thing that she told me was that she couldn't wait to go back tomorrow. I have class Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 11 so I can't pick her up on those days. I am skipping class on Friday though so I can pick her up again. It was so much fun to pick her up so I want to finish out the week. I can't believe that she is already in school, how time flies.