Friday, May 8, 2009


Ryan is out of town until tomorrow so I took the kids swimming today so that they would be really sleepy when it came time to go to bed. It worked! They have all been asleep since 8:00 with Sadie being the first to konk out @ 7:30! They all had a great time, even Asher who layed in the pool for about 45 minutes before he got too cold. Alek and Amber came with us too and everyone had a lot of fun!

Addie only wants to swim in the "deep" end.

Asher just chillin' in the pool

Sadie, Alek, Asher

1 comment:

--m.k.r. said...

that looks like lots of fun!! I am hoping for many of those exhausted nights of sleep from Rylee this week! That is a creative way to hold Asher in the pool.