Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Spirit of the Games

Addison loves to watch the gymnastics on TV, and everytime she does she starts to do her own tumbling. This is video of her doing her "flips" as she watches the girls do the balance beam.


Anonymous said...

She's got some serious skills in the bean bag gymnastics department!

Jenny said...

Would it be too embarrassing to admit I do the same thing as I watch olympics?...

Salty Gal said...

that's so funny, i watched it like 4 times..that backflip cracks me up... I don't know if it's the actual backflip or hearing you laugh that makes me laugh :)

Shay said...

Wow, that backflip is awesome. She is pretty daring, most kids are scared of going backwards. This Olympics I didn't get to do any gymnastics, I just got to have crazy dreams about it.