Monday, February 1, 2010

Asher's 1 Year Stats

I took Asher into the doctor on Monday for his 1 year well baby check. He is doing great, the doctor said. Here is the breakdown:
Weight: 27.25 lbs (94%)
Height: 33.0 inches (99%)
Head: 19.1 inches (95%)
My doctor told me he is is very average....for a 30 month old!
On the paperwork that I received it gives the average height and weight for his age and for weight it is 22.8 lbs and height 29.8 in. So basically, I have a GINORMOUS little boy!
Asher is still not walking, he doesn't have a lot of interest and that is fine with me. He crawls so flippin' fast that he is hard to keep up with. He knows how to say "Daddy" and "Ma Ma". He tries to say his sisters names and usually gets the ending "e" sound right. He is looking right at them when he says it so I am guessing that is what he is going for. He loves to torment his sisters already and wants to climb all over them and bug them in the car.
The other day I was combing Addie's hair (I do this in my room in front of the t.v. so they are occupied) and he crawled over, grabbed the bow, pulled himself up and placed it on her head. I laughed so hard, he is obviously paying attention.

He's a BIG help in the kitchen!


Mike and Brianna said...

LOL well I guess himand Ryker have big heads so it is safe to say that they are NOT going to be retarded!

Brittney said...

What I love is that Asher has an entire house full of toys and still he would rather play with the door, blinds, remotes, tupperware, and the lamp!!

What a fun little man:)

Ty and Tiff said...


I did not know that you had a blog...I saw the link on Amy Woolery's blog. I love the picture of your cute family at the top! I hope that everything is well with you! Let me know if there is anything that you need!!!

PS I love having Sadie in my primary class!

Tiffany Ashton