Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mrs. Winkler a.k.a. Viola Swamp

So right now, I have a class that is required for my major. It is History of Civ 2 and is a 1000 level class. The only teacher who teaches it is straight from hell. She treats the class as if it were a 3000 or 4000 level class. Most of us in there are finishing up our majors and this is the last required class that we have put off taking. Anyway, the requirements that she has for us during this SEVEN WEEK course are ridiculous. Not even my 3000 or 4000 level classes require the amount of work that she is. We have to read two books that are around 700 pages each, Hitler's Mein Kampf, and Nelson Mandala's autobiography. We are then required to write a 1500 word "Reflection" paper which isn't bad but she wants us using at least 5 other sources. For those of you who are thinking this sounds like a research paper are not alone. We even asked her about that and her response was "it's a reflection paper with sources." Nice cover you crazy lady. Anyway, she is also Jewish which I think is fine but she constantly rips on Christians and how they try to convert everyone they see to Christianity. I find it interesting that she teaches at UVSC which is in conservative Utah County and the majority religion is LDS or in other words Christian. Anyway, just wanted to vent because she drives me nuts and thinks that she is hot stuff. If she is so good why does she teach only History of Civ 2, maybe because she is not as informed as she would like to think. One more thing, we were talking about South Africa today and there is a girl in my class who is from South Africa. She was telling the teacher that some of the things we were discussing were not how it is taught in South Africa, I mean she should know right? My teacher pretty much moved onto a different subject because I think she knew that she was wrong in what we were discussing. Hey come on, it is okay to be wrong especially when you have not lived in the region you are discussing. Rather than learn from the student, she moved onto something different. One more reason to not like her.
Also, she looks like Viola Swamp, that character in the book we all read in elementary Miss Nelson is Missing.

Monday, June 23, 2008

One week apart exactly

Cam and Brit's little baby Ryan was born March 6 and my nephew Alek was born March 13. They are exactly one week apart however, Ryan is 4-5 inches and 5 pounds heavier than Alek.

Alek on left, Ryan on right

Ryan is one week older exactly

Visit from Idaho

Last weekend, our best friends from Idaho, Cam, Brit, Mikey and Ryan came down to visit us. We were so excited, especially Addie because "her Mikey" was coming down and they were going to be married (I know, she is crazy). Anyway, they came down and we went to Art City days with my parents in Springville. Cam and Ryan got to go the Champions Challenge at Thanksgiving point, giving Brit and I a chance to go to Mama Chu's for lunch (yum!) We were sad when they had to leave on Tuesday, especially Mike as you will see from the video. We love you guys and hope to see you soon.

Addie and Mike asleep on the way to the carnival

Sadie and Addie, didn't make it to the freeway on ramp

Sadie rode with some random kid on the dragon roller coaster and LOVED IT! Sadie was fine riding by herself

Addie and Mike could not be seperated

Monday, June 9, 2008

"I am going to find a nice new mom"

That is what Addie told me today because I took her chocolate milk away for being rude. After that, she told me that she was "going to find a new mom that would be nice to her and give her chocolate milk." I told her to go right ahead. Ryan has been out of town for two days and will not get home till Friday and it already seems like the week should be over. So if any of you moms want a little red haired girl with attitude, she is looking for a "nice new mom."