Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Utes look bad but my kids look RAD!!!

I know that title is pretty corny but I don't care!  It was homecoming for the U on Saturday and I had the kids all decked out in their red for the game.  They all had stickers on their faces (which they LOVE) and just looked so cute!  My department had a tailgate before the game and provided everything!  We went and ate, the kids played some games, they gave out necklaces and signs (which my kids LOVED).  Afterwards we headed down to the game.  Asher LOVES the games.  He does NOT love Swoop (or any mascot) and tells us that he is not scared but that Diet is.  The kids were so good at the game, they are finally getting used to them.  The Utes sucked it up pretty bad and it was disappointing but what are you gunna do?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sadie's missing teeth

Sadie lost two teeth this week in part thanks to Addie and a swift kick to the face. Sunday night, Addie accidentally kicked Sadie in the face knocking a tooth out. After Sadie finished crying about being kicked in the face she thanked Addie for kicking her tooth out. Addie also with the kick to the face loosened Sadie's other top tooth which she lost this morning. She pulled it out by herself and was very proud. She has now lost a total of 5 teeth! We told her for Christmas she should ask Santa for her two front teeth...