I took Asher outside yesterday thinking it would be fun for him to walk around. He started walking a few weeks ago (and I am such a good mom, I do have it on video but I am trying to finish my senior thesis so posting is not really a priority), and LOVES it!!! Asher being the absolute boy that he is headed straight for the street. He has no concept of the curb and had I not been right there, would have face planted right into the gutter. When he wasn't trying to "run" into the street, he was trying to walk up the driveway. Our driveway is a hill and he hasn't mastered that aspect of walking yet. He would fall and then proceed to crawl the rest of the way. I kept grabbing him and standing him back up before he tore holes in the knees of his pants or totally scuffed the toes of his shoes. I then decided to put him in the wagon and take him for a walk. He decided that he would rather stand in the wagon and hold the handle. He then whacked himself in the eye with it and is now sporting a black eye because of it. He then was trying to ride Sadie's scooter, her
two wheel scooter,and was VERY upset when I took it away from him.
Oh how I love this little boy but he sure does give me a workout. He is not one to hold still ever, and is extremely fast! It's a good thing the backyard is fenced in because I have a feeling that we are going to be spending a lot of time outside this summer and I know I won't have the energy to chase him all around the neighborhood.